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Pastel Nagomi Art  Experience Class 和諧粉彩體驗班

Pastel Nagomi Art Experience Class 和諧粉彩體驗班


Join us for a Pastel Nagomi Art Experience Class and learn the art of meditative painting. Our workshops are delivered by a JPHAA Certified Instructor and you'll create a beautiful finished product of 1 Pastel Nagomi Art in just 2 hours.


Don't worry if you don't have artistic talent or background, our instructor will guide you through the process step-by-step. Discover the joy of painting and create a masterpiece to take home.


我們的工作坊由 JPHAA 認證正指導師授課,您將在短短 2 小時內創作出 1 幅精美的粉彩藝術成品。我們的體驗班不需要藝術天分或背景,導師會一步步指導您去探索繪畫的樂趣,並創作一幅傑作帶回家。

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