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Personalized Perfume 個人化香水

Personalized Perfume 個人化香水


Indulge in the luxury of creating your own personalized perfume with our DIY workshop's natural essential oils. Our tailor-made fragrances are designed to freshen up your days and make you feel confident. 


With our workshop, you'll receive an Eau de toilette and a perfume, both 10ml in size, to add to your collection. The workshop takes 1.5 hours to complete and is a perfect activity for a fun day out with friends or family. Start creating your signature scent today.


盡情享受我們使用天然精油調製個人化香水的 DIY 工作坊,親自調配自己的專屬香氣是一個清新、放鬆的體驗。


參加我們的工作坊,您將獲得一款淡香水和一款香水,兩款香水的容量均為 10 毫升。 工作坊需要兩小時完成,是與朋友或家人度過愉快一天的完美活動。 今天就預約調製您的專屬香水!

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